Professional Mechanical & Electrical Services in London & Ingersoll Areas.

Aluminum wiring: Is it safe?
In the 1970's, aluminum wiring was used as a less-expensive alternative to copper wiring in many homes in Ontario.

Have you considered whole home surge protection?
A whole home surge protection system is built to protect your home from electrical surges caused by lightning strikes or power surges in the electrical grid.

Spring Has Sprung at My Better Home
Ok, so it hasn't been extremely sunny or warm for the last couple of weeks, but the signs of spring are well on their way!

New Arc-Fault Technology Requirements
With our new code update, the arc-fault requirements have extended farther! Are you up-to-code?

New Carbon Monoxide Detector Law in Full Effect
The law will now be enforced in single family homes and multi-family homes with no more than six separate units.